GP Links and Referrals

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Here are all the links and referrals intended to help you get started. Remember, WVPP will receive a kickback for you accepting referrals. It's a way of donating! If you have used a service before, there's not much we can do. You would want to start a mission of raising donations.


Cloudflare (CF) direct link: Connect & protect with the connectivity cloud | Cloudflare

SSL side note

While Let's Encrypt will be used here, it is possible to use Cloudflare to generate an origin certificate. Meaning, you would instead use Cloudflare to issue certificates for your server instead of Let's Encrypt. You may find this in your Cloudflare's SSL settings after adding your domain.

Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean (referral link):

If you're new with Digital Ocean (DO), this referral should give you $200 for a total of 60 days. WVPP will receive $25 once you have spent $25.

This service costs monthly or yearly, depending on how you wish to handle your payments.


You may want to familiarize yourself with Ubuntu. It's not important to know it intensely, but this is the distribution of GNU/Linux we'll be using throughout the process.

Here is the desktop version, Download Ubuntu Desktop | Download | Ubuntu

Except, we'll be using the headless (no graphical user interface) version.

PuTTY (Windows user)

Download PuTTY here, PuTTY: a free SSH and Telnet client (

This is a client to use from Windows to dial into the Linux instance.

Let's Encrypt

Free alternative to paid SSL certificates, Let's Encrypt (

The secure socket layer provider we'll be using.


View here, Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS –

WordPress has a paid choice but it's also open source and you may self-host it. Plugin and theme customization will be covered.


View here, MariaDB Foundation -

A fork of MySQL, another database server. WordPress will use MariaDB to store data.