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{ "batchcomplete": "", "continue": { "lecontinue": "20230411141228|50", "continue": "-||" }, "query": { "logevents": [ { "logid": 60, "ns": 0, "title": "Meeting Feb.20.24", "pageid": 30, "logpage": 30, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Wvpirate", "timestamp": "2024-06-12T19:20:37Z", "comment": "Created page with \"Meeting did not take place.\"" }, { "logid": 59, "ns": 0, "title": "Meeting Feb.12.24", "pageid": 29, "logpage": 29, "params": { "description": "\u200e[edit=sysop] (indefinite)\u200e[move=sysop] (indefinite)", "details": [ { "type": "edit", "level": "sysop", "expiry": "infinite" }, { "type": "move", "level": "sysop", "expiry": "infinite" } ] }, "type": "protect", "action": "protect", "user": "Wvpirate", "timestamp": "2024-02-06T20:46:05Z", "comment": "" }, { "logid": 58, "ns": 0, "title": "Meeting Feb.12.24", "pageid": 29, "logpage": 29, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Wvpirate", "timestamp": "2024-02-06T20:45:45Z", "comment": "Created page with \"February 12, 2024. ===Agenda=== {| class=\"wikitable\" !Item !Who !Notes |- | | | |} ===Attendance=== * ===Summary=== [...] ===Minutes=== [...]\"" }, { "logid": 57, "ns": 0, "title": "GP Links and Referrals", "pageid": 28, "logpage": 28, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Wvpirate", "timestamp": "2024-02-06T17:49:16Z", "comment": "Created page with \"Here are all the links and referrals intended to help you get started. Remember, WVPP will receive a kickback for you accepting referrals. It's a way of donating! If you have used a service before, there's not much we can do. You would want to start a mission of raising donations. == Cloudflare == Cloudflare (CF) direct link: [ Connect & protect with the connectivity cloud | Cloudflare] == Digital Ocean == Digital Ocean (referral link): https...\"" }, { "logid": 56, "ns": 0, "title": "GP Understanding The Risks", "pageid": 27, "logpage": 27, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Wvpirate", "timestamp": "2024-02-06T16:52:31Z", "comment": "Created page with \"The risks usually involved with supporting your own server add up to remembering to perform duties, such as renewing SSL certifications, domains and regularly updating software (general maintenance). == Renewals == You may set your SSL certifications to expire once a year, or every 90 days, but your domain can only be renewed by the year (which you may order multiple years). You may choose to update your server once a month but there may be a major vulnerability floatin...\"" }, { "logid": 55, "ns": 6, "title": "File:Pirates-720p.mp4", "pageid": 26, "logpage": 26, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Wvpirate", "timestamp": "2024-02-06T16:05:28Z", "comment": "" }, { "logid": 54, "ns": 6, "title": "File:Pirates-720p.mp4", "pageid": 26, "logpage": 26, "params": { "img_sha1": "fmr5lz8dmueg7rpgutylffexfjmlxkn", "img_timestamp": "2024-02-06T16:05:28Z" }, "type": "upload", "action": "upload", "user": "Wvpirate", "timestamp": "2024-02-06T16:05:28Z", "comment": "" }, { "logid": 53, "ns": 0, "title": "Gangplank", "pageid": 25, "logpage": 25, "params": { "description": "\u200e[edit=sysop] (indefinite)\u200e[move=sysop] (indefinite)", "details": [ { "type": "edit", "level": "sysop", "expiry": "infinite" }, { "type": "move", "level": "sysop", "expiry": "infinite" } ] }, "type": "protect", "action": "protect", "user": "Wvpirate", "timestamp": "2024-02-05T22:47:07Z", "comment": "" }, { "logid": 52, "ns": 0, "title": "Gangplank", "pageid": 25, "logpage": 25, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Wvpirate", "timestamp": "2024-02-05T22:46:58Z", "comment": "Created page with \"Ahoy! If you haven't read the post yet, you could do so now: [ Click here]. == Introduction == West Virginia Pirate Party wants to help pirates get their ships up and running. It's understood every pirate is not going to be tech-savvy with computers or hosting websites or editing graphics. So, a jumpstart is in order if you request it. We're all learning here. == Tutorials =...\"" }, { "logid": 51, "ns": 0, "title": "Seen Topics", "pageid": 24, "logpage": 24, "params": { "description": "\u200e[edit=sysop] (indefinite)\u200e[move=sysop] (indefinite)", "details": [ { "type": "edit", "level": "sysop", "expiry": "infinite" }, { "type": "move", "level": "sysop", "expiry": "infinite" } ] }, "type": "protect", "action": "protect", "user": "Wvpirate", "timestamp": "2023-04-11T14:12:43Z", "comment": "" } ] } }